Area Analysis – Port Talbot

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Area Analysis – Port Talbot

Port Talbot Google map screen shot

We have a property in Port Talbot to access, this is an unfamiliar area, so here is my full area analysis.

Port Talbot has varying neighbourhoods from low end to high end.  It is about 15 minutes from Swansea, with a fairly large population. The following are some area stats from my favourite source, Zoopla:

Area average price: £82,747 (terraced)

The area has a lower than average crime rate, possibly due to the large employer in town being the steel works.

zoopla crime stats

There are a lot of single individuals and single parent families in the area, so the HMO strategy should work well here.  Blodwen Street will not be as easy to sell due to the lower numbers of first time home buying families, whom we will target, but there is a market for it.

Family stats from Zoopla

The area is typical of a large, low skill or medium skill level employer (the steel works) with large interests in football and readership mainly in the Daily Mirror and the Sun newspapers.

Interest stats from Zoople Newspaper subscribers from Zoopla

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  1. […] Area Analysis – Port Talbot – Demographic analysis of areas we invested in […]

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