Swansea SA5 Area analysis

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Swansea SA5 Area analysis

Swansea SA5 area map from google maps

The Swansea area has a lot going for it, and the SA5 district is a historically great area, with medium to high prices (comparing with other South Wales areas) and is quite a sought after area based on demand and the below area ratings on Zoopla.

Swansea SA 5 zoopla Ratings

The locals tend to own their own homes with or without a mortgage, which means it will likely be a great flip for a 2nd home buyer looking for a slightly upper market property as per the area.

Swansea SA5 Home Ownership from Zoopla

There is a good balance of self-employed, managers and professionals in the area to indicate a good demand for a higher quality property that is more easily affordable to these types of individuals.

Swansea SA5 employment data from Zoopla

The family types in this area are higher in pensioners, DINKs and then families.  This indicates that a 2-3 bedroom property will suit most of the existing market maybe a 4 bed if they have children.  The best return would be a very nice 3 bedroom place done up for a professional couple or maybe a place with a small garden for the pensioner market.

Swansea SA 5 Family make up statistics from Zoopla

Interests and Newspaper subscriptions in SA5 show a high interest in foreign travel, gardening and eating out as well as low subscriptions to the Sun and Daily Mirror. This supports the position that it has a slightly more sophisticated demographic with more disposable income.  A higher than average interest in gardening indicates a good garden in a property will fetch some interest.

Swansea SA5 Interests data from Zoopla  Swansea SA5 Newspaper subscriber data from Zoopla

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