Invest 1 – Sad day

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Invest 1 – Sad day

sad day

It has been a disappointing day today.  One of our first to commit major investors has had to temporarily pull the plug as their funds are caught up in administrative and bureaucratic nightmares in the US. 🙁

As an unfortunate as this is, it also provides an opportunity for us to send this deal off to some of our potential JV partners, giving them an option for an investment level that suits their budget. We split the £40k investment into 4 x £10k dropping the minimum investment level from £20k to £10k to meet the needs of a couple of investors we know of, and also raise the funds quickly as this delay is hurting the overall position at the moment. We have essentially personally bridged their £40k and cannot continue on one of our own projects until this is sorted out, and our funds into the other project are returned.

So we put together a new proposal for the position of this project right now (3 months into the 12) and about to the complete on the 3rd property.  We are about to send it out to the people in our queue as the latest opportunity.  Our first investor is still keen, and once they sort out their bureaucracy issues, will get back in the queue.

Some details of the proposal and access are below here.

[s2If !is_user_logged_in()]

Below here is some more info for people we know and trust, check out how to read it here.


[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)]

3 Properties in south Wales:

  • Capital Returned in 6-8 months
  • 5 year TRR: 15% pa
  • Capital returned in year 1 via flip profits and refinancing HMO
  • Cashflow from year 1 onwards:
  • £2928 net profit*
  • 17% Cash on Cash Return

*before profit share

Get in touch ASAP if you are interested in a share of Invest 1.


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