Rent free for a year

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Rent free for a year

Pet sitting, how to live rent free for a year

[featured-img]While focusing on building our property empire πŸ˜‰ this year, we have lived mostly rent free, and travelled around the UK checking out different areas for their potential as an investment hot spot, or just to have a look. How have we done this? By looking after people’s homes and pets using a website called Trusted House Sitters.Β  In between house sits, we have leaned on our very generous and helpful friends and family (THANK YOU!) and of course our favourite YHA in Cardiff.

We have met some great people along the way who have invited us to stay longer than they are away and others who have invited us to come back just for a visit if we were in the area and needed a place to stay.Β  It is not a stable lifestyle. We have sometimes moved every 3-4 days, so we rarely accept sits shorter than that as it would involve too much travelling. Β Our longest sit so far has been for 3 weeks.

The homes we have lived in are incredibly varied, from your typical suburban family home, to a quaint and character filled cottage in the country, some rustic country homes and a huge inner city family home (fancy!). We have stayed in far west Wales to Liverpool and London city centres.Β  Overall we have stayed in an amazing array of places.Β  The best lessons learnt from living like this is realising we can make any situation work, and finding out what we love and what we absolutely will not have in our own home, about the use of space and amenities, from pots and pans to appliances and utensils and how to make good food with limited resources.

Besides all the loving we get from the cats and dogs, we have also been inspired to create a new Youtube channel to help our tenants become good cooks and live healthier and get more from their lives in our properties. Look out for that when we launch it in the next couple of months. #jcathome

Where we travelled

Here is a map of all the places we stayed. Also find some photos of the pets we have had the privilege of caring for (and then handing back to their parents!).

rent free by moving around for a year, the map of 17 sits we have done

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Shepton Mallet – Reginald – cat

Tircoed – Molly and Tommy – cats

Gloucester – Β 2 cats

Salisbury – Bryn & Zaf

Newcastle Emlymn – Jasper the dog

Morden, London – 3 cats

Swansea – Bailey the King Charles Cavalier Cocker Poodle

London – Lola the tiny poodle

Newcastle Under Lyme – Lara and Beanie dogs, 2 cats Pinky and Mojo

Liverpool – Dex & Drew, Cocker Spaniels

Lowton – Charlie the Border Terrier

Ambrosden – Mimi the cat

Peckforton – Spot & Ellie, Aussie sheep dogs

Wimbeldon – Buffy, Border Terrier

Swansea – Bailey (again)

2 more coming before we go


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