Blodwen Street – Choosing a Kitchen

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Blodwen Street – Choosing a Kitchen

Blodwen Street property with Kitchen written on it

[featured-img] We started the search for a kitchen a couple of weeks ago and had 3 quotes come in, all varying in price, but the design is essentially the same.  We decided to join LNPG that gives us access to “contract pricing” of kitchens, similar to big hotels/ councils buying things in bulk. So we are going with an up-market kitchen supplier, Magnet-Trade, that will design and supply the kitchen at a great price, beating all others for the like on like panels and design.

Login to see the different designs below (sorry not public to protect the designers’ integrity )


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Some of the kitchen designs we received

Howdens – never actually sent us a quote

Blodwen Kitchen v1 left Blodwen Kitchen v1 right Blodwen Kitchen top down v1

NPS in Port Talbot

Blodwen St Kitchen right NPS Blodwen St Kitchen left NPS

Magnet Retail

Blodwen kitchen magnet retail right blodwen Kitcchen magnet retail left

We ended up with this design, but with a couple of changes, like the bench tops changed to Colmar Oak and the drawers from 2 to 3 drawers (small cutlery drawer at the top) – Magnet

Kitchen Blodwen St 1 Kitchen Blodwen 2

We got quotes from £3100 for the Magnet Retail, to £1167 from NPS (a local place), to the final price with Magnet of £1144. However we ended up paying an additional £71 for upstands, which was actually included in the NPS quote, so perhaps we should have bargained harder with Magnet or gone with NPS.


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