Specialising in Commercial Property Conversions

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Specialising in Commercial Property Conversions

Commercial Property Conversions


We have always said that we’d move on to commercial property conversions in the UK.  In fact, Walter Road is exactly that. This project has certainly been a good learning experience.  In that has introduced us to all ends of the construction market, cowboys and professional players and everything in between.  We were modeling Jeffrey Lee, a mentor and guide: in starting small in Wales, doing some HMOs, then moving onto bigger things in England.

Attending a discovery day on commercial property conversions in Peterborough with Progressive Property. (A great property training organisation that we have become associated with since arriving the UK). We were so impressed by the speaker, Glenn Delve who is a hugely successful commercial conversion developer.  The decision to spend more time with him was easy. In early September we trained with Glenn and Progressive Property for 3 days in a course called Commercial Property Mastermind and at the end of it we were totally convinced this is the way forward for us. Knowing now how to use the hugely reduced planning risk to our advantage.  The decision to focus on this earlier than we might have otherwise was obvious.

Commercial Property Conversions

As Commercial Property Conversions (CPC) had been at the forefront of our minds, we have even spotted 2 potential sites in our travels around the UK in the past year. We are already about 3-4 months ahead of most of the players out there in building relationships with agents.   Also having an “open mind” to the opportunities that are out there.   These are two very important aspects of making this type of business work.

Glenn and his team will mentor us further in this specialisation.   We are looking forward to creating homes for people who are stepping into the market for the first time. And properties with great yield for investors.

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