Author: Craig Lambie

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Blodwen Street – Choosing a Kitchen

Our search for a kitchen supplier and also the way we work with materials has found a home with LNPG and Magnet Trade that we will work with for all future

Blodwen Street – Construction Starts

Join us on our journey as we start the renovation and construction of Blodwen Street. The aim is to do a quick reno then rent or flip it on.

Time Restricted Eating (TRE)

[featured-img]We have started a new regime of time restricted eating (TRE) that is like intermittent fasting (IF) but focuses more on the eating window, instead of the fasting window.  The studies from the Salk Institute by Dr Satchin Panda are quite interesting, mainly focused on mice. The basic premise is based on our natural circadian…
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Swansea Road – Planning Application 1 – a pair of Semi’s

The planning consultant and architect have come up with a design for a pair of semi detached homes for the plot of land next to the property.

Gwendoline Street – Construction Starts

Started construction on Gwendonline Street, some interesting issues raised like damp and dry rot, we knew – but the treatment is hectic.

Swansea Road – Planning – Extension

The planning application for the extension has been submitted. The full application form and plans submitted can be found below for our investors who are following this project.

Walter Rd – Mid Construction

[featured-img]We’ve received a mid-construction report from the Project Manager on this one, which is great!  As you can see from the photos below, there’s been some real progress with frames built, and the walls and floors are really looking different from the state we left it in. Work completed so far: Rip out Frame works…
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Happy Festive Season and holidays from us!

[featured-img]The festive season is always a time to relax and revive, stay away from emails and read some books, reflect and review on the year past and the year ahead. We want to take this opportunity to wish you a fantastic holiday season from our family to yours, and share some of our reflections on…
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Gwendonline St – Planning approved

We are thrilled we received word from the Neath Port Talbot council today, they approved our planning application to change the property from C3 residential to C4 House of Multiple Occupants for up to four people. Yay! There was a proviso of no accommodations on the ground floor, as per the flood consequences report, which…
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Building our team: Gwendoline & Walter

We had the pleasure of meeting a letting agent who is achieving rents beyond our expectations for HMOs in Swansea and Port Talbot and we decided to make them a part of our team. Hearing about the agent being an investor himself, how he disagrees with many letting agents on their methods and bedside manners with…
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