Author: Craig Lambie

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Invest 1 – Sad day

It has been a disappointing day today.  One of our first to commit major investors has had to temporarily pull the plug as their funds are caught up in administrative and bureaucratic nightmares in the US. 🙁 As an unfortunate as this is, it also provides an opportunity for us to send this deal off…
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Blodwen Street – Completion

We received the completion* confirmation email from the solicitor today! This is the 2nd property in this JV, and our 3rd property completed so far. *For non-UK readers, completion here means we have paid the full purchase price and the Title will now be registered in our name. 

Visa fun

Wow. Today we spent most of the day dealing with a Chinese Visa application. The cost of travelling as a family, with 3 different surnames and not having all your paperwork on hand. It would have helped if the documents required page had of listed all the documents that you actually do require…. eg if…
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Invest 1 – Deadline looms

We had some interested parties in the last 3 units of this JV, however we had to make a decision on how to proceed today. We had to give them deadline to get in by 9am UTC time, as we had a deadline to meet ourselves. A bit of pressure applied, which can help for…
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SOLD! Port Melbourne

Today we sold our Australian home!  Well, it was going to be our home. We purchased this property off the plan in 2014, and had planned to live in when Ethan finished primary school.  After we decided to move to the UK, we decided to sell it, and managed to do that before it completed…
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Walter Road – Finding a builder

Our project manager Geraint Jones is confident that the builder he found has the right level of professionalism and team to do this larger project. A little more expensive to deliver, however the job should be done faster, when time is money, this is super important. The numbers: [s2If !is_user_logged_in()] Below here are some more…
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Gwendoline St – Before

Here are some photos of the state in which we received the property before we started work on it. [s2If !is_user_logged_in()] Below here is some more info for people we know and trust.  Check out how to read it here. [/s2If] [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)] [/s2If]

Blodwen Street – Decision to invest

A nice little flip came through today, with a tidy profit margin, perfect to finish the Invest 1 plan off so we decided to take it up, as the numbers work.  This property would make a great Buy To Let (BTL) however the current strategy calls for a flip at this time, so we are…
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Walter Road – Demolition days

We decided to take on some demolition work to “get our hands dirty and feet wet”, as Jeffrey Lee would say. This will also reduce the build cost a little as we can dispose of large bulky waste for free at the local recycling centre, as Ma & Pa’s can but commercial operations cannot.  😀 We…
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Walter Road – Before we started work

Here are some photos of the state in which we received the property before we started work on it.  There are some interesting items that we might be able to sell, some other items that will go to the tip.  A lot of rubbish though. [s2If !is_user_logged_in()] Below here is some more info for people…
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